4. This is a card from a third category.

That means its content is stored in a different .yml file to all the cards before. Say you want to create a new category, called "beans". All you need to do is add a beans.yml file to the info/ folder, and specify the colour you want that category to have in the file builder/style.py. When you make those changes to the GitHub repository, all the other changes happen automagically!

1. Welcome to SLID.

SLID is a super lightweight fork of Kezz101's LID (Lightweight Information Database) under MIT license.
This project runs through GitHub and produces a single webpage, which you see rendered here, which acts as a database where each database entry is a card.

2. This is a card.

A card must contain a title and some content. It can optionally contain an image and/or links.
The card style is from Materialize.css. Cards are arranged on the page by Isotope.js, and can be filtered and sorted using the search bar and buttons above.

5. This card has an image.

To add an image to a card, first add an image to the src/img/cards folder. I added one called sunset.jpg. Then, in the entry corresponding to this card in its .yml file, add a line saying "image: sunset.jpg".

3. This is another card.

Notice is has a different colour; that's because it's from a different category. You can filter by category in the navbar above. The cards belonging to each category are stored in separate .yml files, one per category, in the info/ folder of the repository. All the information stored on the card corresponds to a single bullet point in the relevant .yml file. Under that bullet point, you can specify the card's title, content, links, tags, and image.